Перегляди: 805
5 жовтня 2022
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Informal Discussion with Olexiy Haran

The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation  team met with Dr. Olexiy Haran, one of the 30 Stars of Ukraine 2021 award laureates, on September 29 during his visit to Washington, D.C.

Dr. Haran, Professor of Comparative Politics at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, is Ukraine's foremost political scientist and most visible presenter in international scholarly conferences. He came to D.C. for the PONARS fall conference to present a recent Democratic Initiatives Foundation opinion poll on Ukrainians' views on their society and democracy during the war. The findings of this study can be found here.

There was an informal session with Dr. Haran during which he discussed the results of the new polls and Dr. Haran was presented with his "Star of Ukraine" award.

In the photo - USUF co-founder Bob McConnell with Dr. Oleksiy Haran.