
Publication year

M. Zolkina: Politically, Russia is no longer untouchable for either Ukraine or its Western partners

Maria Zolkina emphasised that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in the Kursk region actually undermines the myth that Ukraine cannot asy...
17 August 2024

From War of Attrition to War of Maneuver: How Ukraine Puts Russia on the Defensive

Petro Burkovskiy commented on the consequences of the Kursk operation for El Independiente
11 August 2024

Ukraine’s African gambit gains momentum with success against Wagner in Mali

Dr. Omar Ashour commented on the incident in Mali, where up to 80 Wagner fighters were killed, which was the largest one-day loss of the gro...
31 July 2024

EXPLAINER: Does Ukraine have political opposition?

Comments by Oleksiy Haran for The Kyiv Independent
28 June 2024

Guerra na Ucrânia: Rússia ameaça os EUA depois de bombardeio à Crimeia

Petro Burkovsky e Oleksiy Haran comentaram com o Correio Braziliense sobre qual poderia ser a resposta da Rússia ao bombardeio de Sevastopol
26 June 2024

Close ties between Kim Jong-un and Putin may signal a possible crisis on the Korean Peninsula in October - Ukrainian analyst warns

Petro Burkovsky shared his warnings with The Korea Times about possible provocations by North Korea and Russia on the Korean Peninsula on th...
25 June 2024

The result of the Global Peace Summit is that it sets three important initial conditions for Russia to start peace talks

Petro Burkovskіy, Executive Director of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, commented on the results of the Global Peace Summit in Swit...
17 June 2024

Líderes do G7 liberam juros de ativos russos para ajudar a Ucrânia

Petro Burkovskiy emphasized that the G7's decision to lend to Ukraine at the expense of Russian assets is a powerful signal to Putin.
17 June 2024

Future of EU-Ukraine relations | Eastern Express | Oleksiy Haran

How will the rise of populist parties and shifting EU dynamics affect Ukraine's path toward European integration, says Oleksiy Haran
13 June 2024

Pourquoi la paix en Ukraine reste hors de portée

À la veille de la conférence organisée par Berne, les objectifs de Kiev et Moscou sont toujours irréconciliables. Selon les experts, le conf...
2 June 2024

End of Zelensky term: what's next? | Olexiy Haran

Oleksiy Haran spoke about the successes and failures of President Zelenskyy's five-year term in office in the Talking with TVP WORLD program
22 May 2024

Ukrainian Parliament Dismisses Deputy PM and Agriculture Minister | Olexiy Haran

Oleksiy Haran comments on the dismissal of two Ukrainian ministers
18 May 2024