
Publication year

Youth, politics and identity: what are they like, young Ukrainians, and what can we expect from them?

On January 23, Ukraine and the international community honoured the memory of Nadia Diuk, a Ukrainian-American scholar and public activist.
10 February 2020

6th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity

DIF has presented the results of its annual expert survey dedicated to the 6th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine
22 November 2019

15th Ukrainian Breakfast in Berlin: discussion on current state of affairs in the field of conflict-resolution in Donbas

Between Red Lines: Peace or Capitulation as Conflict Resolution in Donbas?
10 November 2019

30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Historical Estimates

Topic: "30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Historical Estimates and Looking to the Future"
7 November 2019

The Hague forum debates conflict in Ukraine and EU's role as peace actor

The crisis in eastern Ukraine, and the possible role of the EU in bringing peace, took centre stage during a discussion in The Hague.
5 November 2019

Meeting with the members of fact-finding mission of the International Cooperation Department of the Netherlands political party D66

DIF shared its expert views about latest political developments in Ukraine
5 November 2019

The Public Warns Against “Traps” in Donbas Peace Negotiations

Security first!
19 October 2019

30 Years On: Insights from East-Central and Wider Europe

Discussion about the multi-dimensional changes that have occurred in East-Central and Wider Europe over the last 30 years
23 September 2019

100 days of Volodymyr Zelenskyi: what do experts think?

Online Рress conference.
28 August 2019

Ukraine is 28. Where are we now? Where are we going?

Online Рress conference.
22 August 2019

A readout of Ukraine’s parliamentary election: what comes next in Kyiv?

Online Round Table "Kyiv-Washington"
25 July 2019

National Exit Poll: parliamentary elections 2019

Let’s control the fairness of elections together!
17 July 2019