Opinion polls

Publication year

The price of peace in the Donbas: public opinion

Nationwide research was conducted in the period of December 15-19, 2017
15 January 2018

Household matters and interests motivate most Ukrainians to engage in civic life

Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement
11 December 2017

Corruption in the everyday lives of Ukrainians: For what do we give bribes? To whom and why?

A nationwide polling of the population of Ukraine was held from September 18 to October 3, 2017.
31 October 2017

Peacekeeping mission in the Donbas: Is it desirable? Is it possible? On what terms? – expert poll

Experts support the stationing of a peacekeeping contingent on the occupied territories of the Donbas and Luhansk oblasts.
10 October 2017

Public opinion in Donbas: July 2017

Polling was carried out by DIF on government-controlled territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions (July 1-26, 2017).
8 August 2017

Public opinion about Decentralization reform

Over the year, the level of awareness of decentralization reform among Ukrainians has slightly increased
26 July 2017

Public opinion about non-controlled Donbas: what has changed

The nationwide polling was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Centre from June 9-13, 2017.
19 July 2017

Public opinion of the population of Ukraine on NATO

Nationwide polling of the population of Ukraine was conducted from June 9–13, 2017
5 July 2017

Visa-free regime for Ukraine – public opinion

Introduction of a visa-free regime with EU countries is important and very important for 39% of Ukrainian citizens.
21 June 2017

Ukraine-Russia: What should be the format of future relations?

17 March 2017

Higher education in conditions of reform; changes in public opinion

4 March 2017

The future of occupied territories in the Donbas: possible variants

20 February 2017