Expert latest

An extremely alarming call for Putin. The ghost of 1917 appeared in Russia

Putin is not strengthening the Russian state, he is destroying it
8 March 2023

Two ways: How the Russian Church in Ukraine will cease to exist

There is no such thing as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP)
15 January 2023

Fighting for Freedom: Ukrainian Assessment of the Implications of the Russian Invasion for South Asia

Olexiy Haran & Petro Burkovskyi
4 January 2023

Ukraine must regain Crimea. How can this happen?

Different scenarios for the end of the war in Ukraine have been discussed. These scenarios do not always include Crimea. Why is this happeni...
4 January 2023

The collapse of the Russian Federation and the victory of Ukraine: What the West fears and what it wants to control

Why the West thinks that Ukraine’s victory needs to be restrained
11 December 2022

Ohne Frieden oder ohne Russland?

Petro Burkovsky für die Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
22 November 2022

Europa darf sich nicht spalten lassen

Petro Burkovsky für die Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
19 November 2022

Why Would Western Policymakers Favor a Ukrainian Stalemate Over Victory?

Petro Burkovskyy and Olexiy Haran on Ukrainian, Russian and Western objectives in the war
2 November 2022

PULASKI POLICY PAPER: Ukrainian Offensive Operations in 2022: Strategic Context, Capabilities, Risks and Likely Scenarios

Petro Burkovskyi and Olexiy Haran analyzed the likely scenarios of the war and assess what feasible Western actions can influence it in the....
11 August 2022

Navigating Within the Geopolitical Turning Point

Foresight Workshop on the Future of the War in Ukraine and the Upcoming (In)Security Order of the Post-Soviet Black Sea Region
11 May 2022