Expert latest

Im Donbas ver­traut man immer noch Wolo­dy­myr Selen­skyj, glaubt aber nicht mehr an den „schnel­len Frieden“

Petro Bur­kovs­kyi
20 May 2020

Selen­skyj richtet sich in der Kom­fort­zone ein

Von Petro Bur­kovs­kyi
13 March 2020

Fünf Szenarien für die Entwicklung der Lage im Donbas: Was ist von Russland zu erwarten und was kann die Ukraine tun?

Petro Burkovskyi
6 March 2020

Lost in translation: Different interpretations of Paris peace talks spell trouble ahead

Petro Burkovskyi
13 December 2019

Ukraine’s Zelensky Bowed to Trump’s Demands, Until Luck Spared Him

Volodymyr Zelensky decided that military aid outweighed the risks of appearing to take sides in American politics.
7 November 2019

Withdrawal of Troops in Donbas: What's Happening Now?

What is happening now in Donbas?
6 November 2019

Meeting with the members of fact-finding mission of the International Cooperation Department of the Netherlands political party D66

DIF shared its expert views about latest political developments in Ukraine
5 November 2019

Петро Бурковски: Приемане на искания на Москва не означава, че Киев отстъпва за Донбас

Украинската и руската страна интерпретират по различен начин контекста, в който трябва да се проведат изборите в Донбас
6 October 2019

Normandy Format Summit on ‘Steinmeier Formula’

Analysis and commentary from Petro Burkovskiy.
27 September 2019

Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine met with the Canadian delegation and representatives of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation

Representatives of the Foundation raised urgent issues that concern citizens of Donetsk and Luhansk regions controlled by Ukraine.
26 June 2019